
Showing posts from January, 2021

Tradition and Culture

 As I was growing up, Christmas was always my favorite Holiday. I still remember all of the different customs that we would do. On Christmas Eve, we would read in Luke chapter 2. My parents would then give us each a pair of pajamas, and then send us to the basement, where my siblings and I would watch classic Christmas movies, such as A Christmas Story, The Santa Clause, or The Grinch who Stole Christmas. Then we would all restlessly try to sleep, until around 6:00, where would then play video games, until 8:00, where we were finally allowed to go upstairs, and see all of the gifts.  Growing up, I know many people who had many different traditions, whether it was going skiing on Spring Break, eating turkey for Thanksgiving, or just deciding to eat dinner as a family every night. All of these different traditions are important to families. Traditions can give people a sense of structure, and allow a culture to be instilled on the family. There are many different things that lea...

Family theory

 Throughout this week in class, we discussed 4 different theories regarding how families interact with each other. Theories are just ways of understanding different phenomenons within the the family. There are no theories that can perfectly explain the way that we interact with each other, but different theories can explain some parts of the ways we interact. The 4 different theories that we had discussed this week are conflict theory, exchange theory, symbolic interaction theory, and family systems theory. The first theory that we looked at is conflict theory. Conflict theory in its most basic terms, is the theory that anytime there are 2 people, they are likely to have a difference in opinion. As any two people have differing views on different topics, it can tend to form different types of relationships. There are people who can work over different views, and find middle ground, while on the other hand there are people who hold fast to their views without the ability to compromi...

Week 2 blog: Research

This week I researched  about the trends around the world to have less children. An interesting trend that I looked at is the change in culture regarding the family in Japan. It has been said that individuals are expected to serve the best interests of their family above their own. This has been the culture around Japan for hundreds of years. It has always been widely expected for men to be the breadwinners for families, while women would stay home and keep up the house. Within the last hundred years, it has gradually become more and more acceptable for women to go out and get jobs, and educations. This has led to more women putting career advancement over trying to start a family. As a result the population of children under 20 is less than the population of the working class, which means that the general population is generally going to decrease, because there are not enough people to fill out the population in Japan. I found this to be very interesting, because I feel that I hav...

Class Blogs