Family theory

 Throughout this week in class, we discussed 4 different theories regarding how families interact with each other. Theories are just ways of understanding different phenomenons within the the family. There are no theories that can perfectly explain the way that we interact with each other, but different theories can explain some parts of the ways we interact. The 4 different theories that we had discussed this week are conflict theory, exchange theory, symbolic interaction theory, and family systems theory.

The first theory that we looked at is conflict theory. Conflict theory in its most basic terms, is the theory that anytime there are 2 people, they are likely to have a difference in opinion. As any two people have differing views on different topics, it can tend to form different types of relationships. There are people who can work over different views, and find middle ground, while on the other hand there are people who hold fast to their views without the ability to compromise. I think it is important in forming healthy relationships with people to try to find compromises on certain areas of life. I think that as we try harder to resolve conflicts, it can lead to better interactions with others.

Another theory we discussed was the exchange theory. To me, this theory was the most interesting theory. This theory discusses the cost benefit analysis of a relationship with someone. We all generally try to keep the costs of a relationship, such as time or money, lower than the benefits of the relationship, such as emotional and intellectual gratification. This is interesting to me, as I currently study economics. It is cool to see how you can use the same cost benefit analysis of making a business decision, in making decisions within relationships. As we analyze the satisfaction that we receive against the time, effort, and money we spend, we come to decisions for what we do in a relationship.

The third theory that we discussed as a class was the symbolic interaction theory. This theory talks about how we perceive the intentions of what others do. It is interesting to me, because it does not discuss the intention of what a person does, but rather the perception of the action on the other person. In reality, we often can't know exactly the reason that people do the things that they do. This is where misunderstandings can occur between people, as they perceive the actions of others incorrectly. We often can over complicate situations that occur, because we try to make sense of others actions, without knowing the entirety of their intentions, or the situation at hand. 

The final theory that we discussed was the family systems theory. This theory discusses that in every relationship, there are a set of roles that may be given around, which creates a system that allows for the relationship.  When systems are put into place, in allows for the relationship to function more smoothly. What can happen at times is that something may change within a relationship, causing the relationship to become a little unstable. It is important to become adaptable to the many changes that can come to families, because if we refuse to acknowledge that things will change, we will not be able to get the most out of our relationships with others.

As we acknowledge the many things that can help or hurt a relationship, we can use these to strengthen the relationships with others. We can begin to recognize what things we need to change within ourselves, and what we can do to help create a family that is stable, and healthy.
