Boundaries in a relationship

 One of the most important keys in a relationship, is to constantly be able to adapt and change to the different circumstances that are handed to us. As relationships progress, it is important that you recognize that if you do nothing, the boundaries of a relationship will change, and possibly create divisions within the relationship. It is important to constantly evaluate the relationship that you have, and the boundaries you have placed around the relationship. Over the course of many years, relationships often report a decrease in the satisfaction they receive from the relationship as a result of the different milestones that occur in the relationship. Often times, when people have children, the satisfaction will begin to decrease as a result. This is because many times the relationship will require both mothers and fathers to have an increase in work. Relationships are difficult for many people, because they require more than just the feelings that we have for our significant other. It requires a lot of work. 

The boundaries that you put in a relationship are key to maintaining a healthy relationship. It is key to make sure that you do not feel a sense of dependance on anyone else. When there begins to be a feeling of dependence in others outside, you may begin to feel a smaller dependance on your partner. It is important to remember that you are each other's best friends. You are supposed to have the others back inn all things. You do not need to completely agree on everything, but rather you need to constantly try to work together in all aspects of life. As the relationship continues to progress throughout life, it is key to make sure that you and your spouse are equal partners, and are putting in all of the effort you both have into the relationship.

As you move towards a wedding it is important to make sure that you don't go overboard. Often times you can leave a wedding feeling that you may owe one side of the family or the other. If you are trying to get in a habit of solely relying on your spouse, it is difficult to do so if there is a feeling that you owe one side of the family extra time, while they help support more and more. It can become more and more difficult to draw the boundary in the relationship around just you two, without including anyone else. It is important to start from the beginning of the relationship with creating clear boundaries. As a result, as different milestones come along, you will be more able to experience more satisfaction as a result of the relationship that you have with them.

Independence is the biggest key in terms of achieving the highest degree of satisfaction in a relationship. It is ok to ask for help from others as it may become necessary, however, you should always look to be most dependent on your spouse. There is a reason you chose to fall in love with them. You wanted to share your life with them, just as they want to share their life with you. It is key to make sure to constantly rely on their judgement, while also making sure that they rely on your judgement as well. Often times, their are relationships where one person in the relationship takes complete charge of the relationship, making all of the major decisions. This is very damaging to a relationship, because it shows how one person is discrediting the others ideas. Trust is something in a relationship that needs to go both ways within the relationship, which will allow you to create stronger boundaries around the relationship, allowing a stronger and healthier relationship.
