Protecting the family

 One of the biggest things that you can do to damage any relationship that you have, is to lie. Lying on all grounds is wrong. It will always put a strain on the relationship that you have, and it will be very difficult to gain that trust back in the relationship. Fidelity within a relationship is very important in allowing the relationship to grow, and remain strong. Infidelity with your spouse will cause permanent damage within the relationship that you have. 

Within any relationship, you should always try to gain more and more trust from your partner. The more that you constantly prove that you are able to be trusted, it will be easier to grow together in your relationship. Relationships can be very fragile. It is important to not do anything to damage it. Trust is always something that is difficult to gain but easy to lose. It is important to constantly seek ways to build up your partner, and show them that they are the most important person to you. 

It is important to remember why we are given a family. God gave each of us a family because he loves us. Our families are key in allowing us to grow as human beings. It is important to remember that as the family is a gift from God, that we treat it as such. The family is sacred, and the bonds that we form within them should become unbreakable. Fidelity within the family is important in demonstrating to God that we are worthy of his gift that he has given to us. It is important to remember that our family will be able to grow a lot more as you all get closer to God.

As your family grows, it is important to show your children what they should try to be. It is impossible to instill the importance of trust and fidelity in a relationship if you act in contrary with those principles. Everyone knows that the best way to teach is by example. In order to show your children how they should treat their future partner, you constantly need to demonstrate those principles to them. They will never understand the importance of those principles on their own. In order for them to learn them, someone has to teach them it is important. Teaching them properly will help them to grow and be more successful than they otherwise would be.

In order to teach your children properly everything with fidelity, it is important to be able to speak with them openly and candidly. If you treat this subject as something shameful, and bad, then it will be hard for your children to completely learn and understand what they need to know. It will also make it difficult for them to talk to you about future issues that they may have, if they feel that talking about difficult topics with you is something they shouldn't do.It is important to instill a sense of trust between yourself and your children

As a result of having this fidelity and trust within a relationship, we are more able to feel joy. Even though we are  doing are best to be the most faithful partner, there will often be problems within a relationship. It is important to not let the problems that you are faced with allow you to change your priorities. It is important to not just ignore the problems. In order to protect your family, you need to remember first off why you are with your family, and second off how to best improve the family to help solve the problem. As you help your family, you will be more able to feel their love, and the joy of having a family.
