

 This semester there were many valuable lessons that I took away that I will use to help strengthen my own family as life goes on. There are many different strategies that will help me along in helping my family become a strong unit. The family is essential to the plan that God has for us. The family is meant to be a place of refuge for all of us. It is up to us to put different practices in to help the family strengthen. a good, strong family does not happen on accident, rather it requires diligent effort, to create the family that you want. There in specific are 4 principles from this class that I want to take with me for the rest of my life, as I go out and have a family of my own. The first principle that I would want to take is the importance of selecting a culture that will allow for the most amount of growth possible. Culture is the shared mindset among a group of people, whether its a family, or a community, or a nation. There can be culture of loyalty created, but at the s...

Parenting Styles

 This week we discussed how  the different styles of parenting are  very important. The three styles of parenting are active parenting, autocratic parenting, and permissive parenting. To me the most beneficial of these three styles is active parenting, while the worst style of parenting to have would be autocratic parenting. Active parenting is the style of parenting, in which you give children choices. Rather than to act as though they are children and as such their voice doesn't matter, in this style of parenting you are showing them that you respect them. You are establishing a culture in which you are showing them the importance to have two way relationships. As much as you give respect them, you also make a point that it is important that they show the same respect. The relationship between you and your children is built on a feeling of mutual teamwork, and trust. As a result as problems arise with them, you are able to show them as you discipline them that you are d...

Fatherhood article

 Fatherhood has been shown to have a dramatic impact on the result of children as they grow up. An article that supports this point is an article called Fatherhood in the 21st century, by Natasha J. Cabrera, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, Robert H. Bradley, Sandra Hofferth, and Michael E. Lamb. This article discusses the changing roles that fathers are playing in the development of children. 5 important points that this article discusses are the problems that arise as a result of more father absence, the responsibility of the father, the attachment to the children., harmonious living conditions, economic responsibility. Fatherhood absence has been shown to have critical effects on the development of children. According to the article, in 1960, only 6% of families were headed by a female, where as in 1998, it had jumped to 24%. This increase has allowed for more information to be seen as a result of the higher propensity of fatherless households. This article discussed that these famil...


 Communication is key to be able to solve any problem with any relationship is to communicate it. There will always be problems in any relationship, in which there will be disagreements. It is important that when you are in any disagreement, that regardless of what you are thinking in that moment, that you remember that you are talking with another human being, and in the case of a family, you are talking with a loved one. Make sure that you act and speak with love when you are in the middle of any argument. There are a few important keys that will help to communicate things easier, while showing signs of trust, and allowing for more effective problem solving. The first key to helping to de escalate any argument and solve any problem is to listen to what they are saying, and try to find any points of truth in their arguments, regardless of how far out it may seem. It is important to try keep as much of the trust that you have in them, and give them the chance to show they can still...

Dealing with crises

 Family life will never be perfect. Regardless of how well you plan your life, or how successful you become, you will not be able to avoid a family crises. Crises can come from a wide variety of different places, whether it is job relocation, losing a job, medical problems that may arise, or anything else that could put a stress on the family. Crises will always come upon our families, whether we are prepared for them to come or not. As a result it is important to be prepared for crises to come, and prepared to deal with them correctly. The family is a place that should be a refuge from the rest of the world. It is important that as different crises come to the family, that you prevent the crises from having a negative lasting impact on the nature of the family. There are often two different types of crises that occur, those that happen as a result of an internal root, or those with an external cause of the crises. An example of a crises with an internal root, is abuse within the f...

Protecting the family

 One of the biggest things that you can do to damage any relationship that you have, is to lie. Lying on all grounds is wrong. It will always put a strain on the relationship that you have, and it will be very difficult to gain that trust back in the relationship. Fidelity within a relationship is very important in allowing the relationship to grow, and remain strong. Infidelity with your spouse will cause permanent damage within the relationship that you have.  Within any relationship, you should always try to gain more and more trust from your partner. The more that you constantly prove that you are able to be trusted, it will be easier to grow together in your relationship. Relationships can be very fragile. It is important to not do anything to damage it. Trust is always something that is difficult to gain but easy to lose. It is important to constantly seek ways to build up your partner, and show them that they are the most important person to you.  It is important t...

Boundaries in a relationship

 One of the most important keys in a relationship, is to constantly be able to adapt and change to the different circumstances that are handed to us. As relationships progress, it is important that you recognize that if you do nothing, the boundaries of a relationship will change, and possibly create divisions within the relationship. It is important to constantly evaluate the relationship that you have, and the boundaries you have placed around the relationship. Over the course of many years, relationships often report a decrease in the satisfaction they receive from the relationship as a result of the different milestones that occur in the relationship. Often times, when people have children, the satisfaction will begin to decrease as a result. This is because many times the relationship will require both mothers and fathers to have an increase in work. Relationships are difficult for many people, because they require more than just the feelings that we have for our significant o...